
Child Safety & Policies
Holy Family Primary School Doveton
Child Safety is the core of what we do. We use multiple strategies to ensure that our students remain safe and are empowered to voice any concerns.
These strategies include:
Establishing trusted relationships
Providing ongoing professional learning for staff
Communicating broadly about the Child Safety Standards
Surveying students
Establishing clear policies about child safety
Explicitly teaching students about child safety
Child Safe Champions
Our child safety team plays a crucial role in creating a secure and nurturing environment for our students. These dedicated individuals act as advocates for the well-being of children, ensuring that their safety is prioritised at all times. Child Safe Champions actively promote awareness and understanding of child protection policies among both staff and students.

Holy Family Doveton is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).
MACS governs and operates Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge,
skills, and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.
Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders.
This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between
schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures.
Holy Family Primary School Doveton
Care Safety & Welfare
Emergency Response to Anaphylactic-Reaction
Holy Family Administration of Medication
Holy Family Bullying-Prevention-Policy-2023
Holy Family Medical Management Procedures
Holy Family Medical-Management-Policy
Holy Family Student Behaviour Policy
Holy Family Supervision Procedures
Child Safety and Wellbeing
Holy Family Child Safety and Wellbeing Record Keeping Policy
Child-Safety-and-Wellbeing-Policy 2024
Engaging-Families-in-Child-Safety-Policy-v1-0-2022 (1)
Enrolment Policy ParentGuardianCarer Code of Conduct 2023
Holy Family Child Safety and Wellbeing Record Keeping Policy
Holy Family Child Safety Code of Conduct
Holy Family Reportable-Conduct-Policy
PROTECT Procedure Police or DFFH Child Protection Interviews at school
PROTECT Procedure Responding to all forms of child abuse
PROTECT Procedure Responding to Police and Child Protection requests for further information
PROTECT Procedure Responding to student sexual offending
Holy Family Complaints-Handling-Policy
Holy Family School-Community-Safety-Scheme-Internal-Review-Process
Enrolment and Fees
Holy Family Privacy-Policy-and-Procedures
Holy Family Student-Acceleration-and-Retention-Policy
Excursions and Camps
Suspension, Expulsion and Negotiated Transfer
Holy Family Expulsion-of-Students-Policy