
Holy Family Primary School Doveton
We would love to have your child come to Holy Family Catholic Primary School. To start the process, we encourage you to submit an enrolment enquiry, or call 03 9791 1583 during school hours.

Prep Transition
Our Prep Transition program is multi-faceted.
Leap into Learning takes place every Friday morning at 10am for 3 and 4 year olds. Children come with a guardian and participate in an hour-long activity-based playgroup program. Teachers read stories, play games and sing songs whilst providing a valuable opportunity for parents to get to know one another and form part of our community.
Our formal Prep Transition program takes place in November, where children participate in three transition mornings with their Prep teacher for the following year. These sessions allow students to become familiar with the classroom, their teacher and their new classmates. Our Prep Transition program also allows us to build partnerships with families, in order to understand what each child might require so that they can make the best start to their schooling journey.

Enrolment in Other Year Levels
We accept enrolments in all other levels, Year One to Year Six. We invite you to complete an enrolment enquiry, or contact the school directly on 03 9791 1853. We will set up a meeting with you and your child. We also will look at doing a transition session for your child to ensure a seamless change to our school.

For all Prep enrolments, the school provides students with a complementary summer and sports uniform.
This is our way of welcoming our new families, and demonstrating our commitment to supporting them throughout their primary school journey.

The fees for 2024 are:
Family Fee: $1030 (per family)
Capital Fee: $130 (per family)
Curriculum: $250 (per student)
Tech Levy: $40 (per student)
Camp $380 (per student year 4-6)
Chromebook $100 (year 3 and 4)
Excursion levy: $60 per student
Swimming: $60 per student
Any family with a Health Care Card will be eligible for Concessional Fees, which are $780 per year. An application form must be completed and evidence must be provided at the start of the school year for this concession to be applied.
Any family experiencing difficulty, should contact the Principal, Paul Sharp, to discuss their situation confidentially.

Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is open every morning at 8:20am and provides a free breakfast for every student.

Before & After School Care Opportunities
Whilst we do not currently have before and after school care, we are connected with a number of family day care providers who are able to provide care, as well as pick up and drop off children.
Please see our office for further information.