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Holy Family Primary School Doveton

Our Catholic faith mission emphasises love, compassion and service, nurturing a sense of community and belonging in our students. Through religious education, prayer, and sacramental experiences, students have an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith and how to live this out in their daily lives.


By integrating faith into education, Holy Family aims to shape responsible, conscientious students who contribute positively to society.


School Prayer

Jesus, Mary and Joseph

We thank you for your guiding hands     

To help us do the things we can                  

May our school be a place with HEART 

Where we fill buckets with hope and love                                        

From different lands we come together as one                                                To live in the image of Jesus your Son 

Holy Family light our way                          

Please be with us every day.



Students at Holy Family participate in whole class Christian Meditation; a way of praying that allows them to deepen their relationship with God. Students focus on the prayer word MA-RA-NA-THA  which means Come Lord Jesus, as they breathe rhythmically, inviting Jesus into their hearts.


Religious Education

Religious Education aims to develop an appreciation and deep understanding of the richness of the Catholic Tradition as well as a religious self-understanding and spiritual awareness.


Religious Education at Holy Family promotes an openness to religious questions and religious interpretation of the world, an awareness of the diversity of voices in society and within the school, and an opportunity for decision making and participation informed by the Catholic Tradition.


Religious Education allows students to actively research, make connections, share understandings and take action in their life and world. 

Sacramental Program

Holy Family offers a collaborative school and parish based sacramental program for Catholic families wishing to continue their child’s faith journey.


Students are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation in partnership with Fr Prince Joseph, their teachers, families and parish community at the following levels:

  • Reconciliation - Year 4

  • Eucharist - Year 4

  • Confirmation - Year 5 or 6 


The sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are offered every year, while Confirmation is celebrated every second year (odd years).


Catholic School Teaching

Grounded in the Church's teachings, Catholic Social Teaching emphasises the dignity of every individual, social responsibility, and the pursuit of justice. 


Social justice activities empower students to understand and actively engage with issues such as poverty, discrimination, and environmental stewardship. 


At Holy Family, we encourage students to become compassionate, socially responsible citizens who contribute positively to their communities and advocate for a more just and equitable world.



Holy Family Parish is a thriving Parish where people come together to worship and celebrate their Catholic faith. 

Our students attend Mass once a month on a Thursday morning. 

We work collegially with the Parish to celebrate the Sacraments of Holy Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation. 

More information and Mass times can be found on their website.

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